Why become a paid affilate of Men’s Confidence Kit

In the Men’s Health market it is rare to find actual physicians who are passionate about treating men with erectile dysfunction.

Men suffering from ED know that sometimes Viagra and Cialis do not work. These men do not want to openly discuss their frustration. They simply want a reliable solution.

Dr Baruti’s 3-step Men’s Confidence Kit is that reliable solution. But many men do not know this. They throw their money away buying fake ED remedies from non-physicians and snake oil salesmen.

Erectile dysfunction becomes more prevalent with increasing age, generally beginning in a man’s 40’s. By the time men reach 80, ninety percent will have ED. Despite these facts, men still want to enjoy sex. It is perfectly natural for men of all ages to experience, warm, deep connections with their sexual partners. But, that requires a reliably, firm penis.

You can earn money by leading these men to us. It is really that simple. You put your unique affiliate banner link on your social media or website. You encourage people to click on your link. If they buy from us, you get 10%. If you do a lot of encouraging, you get more money.

Don’t worry, our software is reliable and precise. It tracks all sales that start from your website, social media, or QR code. Even if a paying customer clicks on a different affiliate’s link AFTER clicking on yours, you still get the commission.

Your commissions must accumulate to at least $100 before you can request it. We pay all affiliates on the 15th of each month.

Click on “Become a Paid Affiliate” below get started. We understand that you may not be an IT genius. But don’t let that stop you. You are setting up passive income for yourself. Be tenacious. Push beyond your comfort zone and get this done. If you need one of our IT experts to help you, then click on “Schedule IT Help” and set up your appointment.