Understanding Testosterone Deficiency - 40 Years age :


As men approach 40 years of age, their blood testosterone levels start decreasing by 1% each year. When his testosterone level becomes too low and he has low sex drive and erectile dysfunction, he may be experiencing testosterone deficiency or “Low T Syndrome.” Other symptoms of Low T can include depression, low energy, obesity, man boobs (aka gynecomastia), and thinning bones.

Prevalence and Underdiagnosis of Low T Syndrome:

Approximately 5 million men in the United States have Low T Syndrome. Although this condition can occur at any age, it is more common in older men. Low T symptoms frequently go ignored for many years by both men and their physicians. For this reason, only 5% of men with Low T receive effective treatment.

Challenges in Treatment for Men with Low T and Erectile Dysfunction

Men’s Confidence kit gives you a solution. Men with Low T and ED have a difficult time finding consistent, effective treatment and oftentimes give up trying. Their regular doctors simply prescribe Viagra or Cialis and consider it done. But many times, Viagra and Cialis do not work. Embarrassed about their unreliable erections, these men simply avoid situations where they are expected to have sexual intercourse.

Effective Triple Therapy: Restoring Sexual Vitality and Overall Well-being

We go far beyond what your regular physician will do. Our triple therapy works every single time you want to have sex. Plus, our on-going testosterone replacement therapy allows your youthful erections, masculine physique and high energy levels to return over time. 

Regain Confidence and Fulfillment:

Stop being embarrassed to have sex. You can only give oral pleasure for so long before your partner wants your erect, firm penis. Stop avoiding sex. Speak to our physicians about triple therapy and experience firm, reliable erections like never before.

Youthful Vigor Restored:

Although ED usually affects men later in life, 25% of men with this condition are younger than 40. Physical causes leading to ED in young men include diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, low testosterone, epilepsy, MS, and spinal cord trauma. Vascular issues include Peyronie’s disease, peripheral artery disease, and early coronary artery disease. The good news is that triple therapy is effective in younger men just like it is in older men.

our availability

We are available Mondays – Fridays from 9 AM – 5 PM EST. However you can call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our live receptionists are ready to help you. Just call (866) 448-8319.
Our triple T therapy is more effect than pills and includes (1) Testosterone Replacement, (2) Pre-intercourse Viagra + Cialis + oxytocin sublingual troches, and (3) Pre-intercourse Tri-Mix penile injections. You must speak with one of our physicians to begin therapy. We serve all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

You Are Eligible For Triple Therapy If:

1. You are male
2. You have never had prostate cancer
3. You do not have sickle cell anemia, leukemia, Peyronie’s disease, or polycythemia vera
4. You live in the United States or Puerto Rico

If you meet these criteria, then:

1) Purchase the Men’s Confidence Kit Online
2) Click on Schedule an Appointment to schedule your physician consultation